Out of three parts of our earth, the two parts covered with water and, the remaining one part is land, encircled with forests, hills, valleys, deserts, and ice bergs. At initial, in order to meet the needs of the human beings, such as food and shelter, a part of the forests in the plain and hills destroyed and converted into agriculture lands and residential lands.
After some period, to meet the other essential needs of human beings, the forests next to the residential and agriculture lands further destroyed and converted into roads and small conventional industries, used to make some essential items such as home appliances, hunting tools, agriculture tools and transport spare parts.
After then, the population and their needs gradually increased, and hence the requirement of land for residence, agriculture, cattle feed, factories, and roads found increased. Major land acquisition and destruction of forests vigorously started after the industrial revolution, during the period (before and after) of world wars.
The production of oxygen required to live all organisms in the earth naturally taken place from the trees and plants in the forests and hills. Due to the reason of destruction of forests and due to meet many requirements, the natural oxygen production required to live is gradually start reduced.
Meantime, the air needs to live in the atmosphere found gradually polluted and reached to unsafe limit due to the air pollutants such as hazardous gases (ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, methane, etcetera), particulates (organic & inorganic) and biological molecules.
The expansion of industries, factories, roads, residences, schools, colleges, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, agriculture land, etcetera becoming an indefinite activity due to the increased population and their requirements. Hence the requirement of lands also parallelly increased.
Previously, the basic, essential need for the human beings the food, shelter, and cloth but, now pure air to inhale, pure water to drink, and medicine to maintain health, included additional in the list of essentials. Out of the six needs, the four that are the food, shelter, cloth, and medicine depending on the land in the forest but the remaining two-needs that are the air and water depending on securing the forest. In these critical situations, we cannot destroy the forests further since we need oxygen to live and water to drink.
In this situation, one of the alternates is to convert the waste land for multipurpose. A study estimates that there is 63.85 million hectares of wasteland around the world. These types of wastelands can be turned to use for various purposes, such as to develop the new forests, agriculture lands, residential lands, rain water reservoirs, industrial parks, heavy storages, etcetera.
The aim of the proposal (development of multipurpose land by transformation the waste lands) is towards helping to meet the needs of the increasing population such as pure air, pure water, food grains, vegetables, fruits, residences, schools, hospitals, cloths, medicines, etcetera without further degradation of agriculture lands and deforestation.
VEL CONSULTANCY and the group of VEL CONSULTANCY feels proud to inform that since 1998, as per client’s requirement, we are providing topnotch quality of technical services and supports under one roof, comparably at a lower budget. We have improved versions of plans and proposals suit to convert the waste land in to a Multi-Purpose Land in the way to make a long-term profitable business, expecting more opportunities to serve the best.