Out of three parts of our earth, the two parts covered with water (oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, etcetera), and the remaining one part is land, encircled with forests, hills, valleys, deserts, and icebergs. The oceans hold about 97% of water cannot be used for potable and irrigation purpose since it is too salty.

The source of water for domestic usage and irrigation purpose obtained through three ways that are water from rainfall, melting of ice bergs, and ground water. Out of three sources the water by rainfall and melting of icebergs are seasonal but the water from the ground would be round the year.

Generally, the water through the rainfall and melting of icebergs stored in the reservoir and used various purposes round the year. Similarly, the ground water pumped out and stored in different sizes of tanks and containers for domestic, industrial and other general usages such as irrigation, cleaning, washing, fire extinguishing, etcetera.

Due to various reasons such as failure of seasonal rainfalls, change in climatic conditions, removal of river sand that helps to hold the ground water, pumping out of a huge amount of water from the underground, etcetera, the ground water level went to deep and hence there is a huge scarcity of water prevailing over all the world.

Under these prevailing situations, at present, the water from the reservoir and ground collected and stored in the different, large sizes of overhead tanks and supplied in a schedule by the organizations to the domestic purpose and industrial purpose through pumping stations and road transports. The water supplied through the pipes and the water stored in the sump that constructed under the ground, then pumped through pumping devices and stored to the small sizes of over tanks.

Here, the highly efficient hand pumps are one of the mechanical devices used to suck and deliver the water to the desired height that coming through the pipes with a low-pressure head and the water already stored in the underground sumps. The special hand pumps are the improved version of the existing hand pump used to pump the water either from the sump or in the pipeline flow at low pressure head.

This is a specially designed hand pump used for the ground floor and multi-story building. The hand pump is very compact and more efficient. The pumps operated based on simple leverage mechanisms with improved suction and delivery system. The efforts required to run the hand pump is being very less than the existing latest hand pump.

The quality of the hand pump depends on its efficiency and performance generally, based on the engineering designs, the material of the parts, quality of valves, accuracy of the machining process, quality of the treatment, quality of the accessories, etcetera.

Although, the hand pumps manufactured by many renowned industries, introducing modern technologies and production facilities, still there are some gaps, in the way to increase the efficiency, quantity, quality and to reduce the product cost, found, further to be filled.

All the gaps can fill through the improved versions of designs of the hand pump, production technologies, composition of the material of every part, methods of manufacturing process, design & precession of special purpose of machines and testing facilities, etcetera.

VEL CONSULTANCY and the group of VEL CONDULTANCY feels proud to inform that since 1998, as per client’s requirement, we are providing topnotch quality of technical services and supports under one roof, comparably at a lower budget. We have improved versions of designs of technologies suit to manufacture wide ranges of Highly Efficient Hand Pumps in the way to meet the global market strategies, expecting more opportunities to serve the best.