Generally, the process invention is one of an activity related to finding the methods of manufacturing new things and development is another activity related to upgrading the existing methods of manufacturing the same thing, in stages, by a trial and error method.
The process invention is one of an activity related to finding the way of methods of manufacturing a product either by traditional or scientific and the development is the further, continuous activity related to finding the necessary improvements on both said methods.
The process invention is an activity of finding the methods of manufacturing any product with compounds through a systematic approach based on the references of every single ingredient and development is an activity of finding the improvements on manufacturing the same product with compounds based on the amendments on the references of every single ingredient.
The process invention is the complete study of manufacturing or creating anything based on the requirements and, the development is the further study of manufacturing or creating anything based on the different requirements related to the different periods.
The process invention is involved with several individual manufacturing procedures, which are in sequence and, the development is involved with compiling a set of manufacturing procedures, in the way to reduce the count of the processes, influenced within.
The process invention is a research-oriented activity of finding an alternate method of manufacturing a particular product by aborting the existing method, rules and, the development is the process of doing necessary amendments in the way to improve the alternate method found.
Usually, many of the industries did not spare the potential to find the indigenous method of process of manufacturing a product and facilities to make the same product found one of the root causes for their failure since, the mindsets and wishes of the customers found, different.
As per the current and proposed business scenario if, the industries, which are put necessary efforts for the process invention and development of suitable facilities to manufacture a product at regular intervals, only can meet out all sorts of global market strategies, hereafter.
The process invention and development are an important set of activity, can be carried out successfully by the all, through identifying and giving the assignment to the appropriates, having adequate knowledge and experience to accomplish new methods of manufacturing process and to develop suitable facilities and also to update the said activities further, respect to meet out different requirements.
VEL CONSULTANCY and the group of VEL CONSULTANCY feels proud to inform that we are successfully doing Process Inventions & Improvement, followed by the systematic procedure to the industries, manufacturing different products and different business for the past two decades would like to be a part of success of every client from any part of the world and expecting more opportunities to serve, the best.